Pre-pregnancy I was irrational on some days. I would have an occasional flare-up but for the most part I was even-keeled. I was bad at communicating and wanted most people to read in between the lines. I loved chocolate and was able to eat whatever I want since I worked out like a maniac. I didn't cry at every commercial and I never really got sick.
Now, I am irrational almost everyday. One little thing can set me off for the rest of the day and I can't recover. I blurt out the truth and now no longer really "sugar-coat" everything. I can no longer really eat any of the foods that I love and my working out routine is reduced to walking and getting steps in for my Fitbit. I cry at every commercial and am sick almost every day.
So why am I telling you this? Because I'm trying to save you from pregnant women. We don't really have any rationale or logic to our moods, but here are some of the things we hate:
- People telling us how "big" we are.
- Giving us opinions about how we should raise our unborn child.
- Talking to us about what foods we should eat (this is a big one - avoid this at all costs).
- Referring to us as "belly."
- Telling us "it's not a big deal."
- Making any smartarse comment - assess our moods before doing this.
- Asking why we're crying - we don't know so we can't answer you.
Now, I'm just pointing out some of the things that bother me but every pregnant woman is different. The one thing you really want to look for is any indication that we might be peeved or irritated. If not, you'll end up on an episode of snapped.

Some of you might not care about this information, but some of you might avoid being killed by pregnant woman and earn bonus points for avoiding all of our most hated things. You're welcome.