My body is hurting a little from yesterday's workout not going to lie...
Today at work was snack day and it was amazing. For anyone who knows me, you know I eat.... ALOT. There were all kinds of snacks- breakfast snacks, lunch snacks, healthy snacks, not-so-healthy snacks, and super unhealthy snacks. I chose not to discriminate and went with a snack from each category. I like to think my workouts speed up my metabolism. Needless to say, I was well fed at work today.
In other super exciting news, I WON A GIVEAWAY. Yes, I am super excited it. I have never won a giveaway and so this was a big deal. The prize was a Louis Garneau Race Belt. I'm sure I'll be using it and give you all a review :) WOHOO... That pretty much made my day.
After work, I gave myself a 4-6 mile range for my run today. In general, if I'm training by myself I like to give myself a range instead of a set distance. The reason being, you might be having a great run and feel great when you hit your target distance, but instead of going a little bit further you stop yourself short. Now, I might be an overachiever but hey.. thats what I do. I ended up running a little over 5 miles and it wasn't so smooth. I think yesterday's workout made me not at my "race pace" fast and I tried to push as hard as I could. I think I ran a little over 5 miles at a sub 9 minute pace. I definitely could feel my "training limit". My "training limit" is pretty much around a 5K run, making me very aware that I need to up my mileage. Tomorrow's workout will be running only, but hopefully it will be mildly difficult since alot of people are racing on Saturday.