Less than 5 months until the half iron..

So today I continued my training regiment. I biked for about an hour and then ran for 20 minutes. The weather has been pretty cool so it hasn't been super pleasant running outside. It probably didn't help that I had chinese buffet for lunch today...

I'm not going to lie, I hate biking. I absolutely dread it. You would think that biking isn't that bad, but WRONG! I feel like a slowpoke compared to all other triathletes. I tend to blame my failures on external issues, so in this case I blame it on poor fitting. However, I am super stoked because I'm going to get fitted by Coach Kameel. Hopefully there will be somewhat of an improvement on my biking.

On other note, I joined an Elite Tribe Mentoring Program and so far I can say that I really enjoy it. It's a forum where you can discuss different topics regarding cycling, triathlons, running, and swimming. I already posted and have gotten good response. It's always nice to know that you can have a place to turn to for triathlon tips. A lot of them are super hardcore and also very encouraging... Looks like I found a good site :)

My First Run in 2 Weeks!!!

I got to RUN!!!! My first run in two weeks actually happened in 30 degree weather which sucked, but I was so excited that I could get to run. It was only three miles and I'm sure I didn't finish in my 5K norm time, but hey I gotta start from scratch.

I realized that alot of my clothes isn't prime time for running in the absolute cold. I got a new Nike windbreaker which helped alot since it was so windy that it probably made the temperature closer to 20 something degrees, but I need alot more than that. Since Florida doesn't get extremely chilly I don't usually feel justified buying cold weather clothes, but I think its an essential (I should have learned my lesson after the half princess when it was in the mid 30s but I guess not). I think on my way back home from Georgia I might stop by one of those outlets I passed by :)


So I rode 30 miles on my bike last week.. and well it sucked to say the least. Trying to move up the seat, really hurt my butt. However, I did it!!! I'm not doing a long distance bike this weekend since I'll be out of town. Honestly though, I frickin hate biking right now. For the last two weeks I've biked almost every single day. I'm really not a fan of it... and it's not even because I'm slow... I'm a pure runner :)

Tomorrow... P90x Abs... I like it when my abs burn :)
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