ING Miami Half Marathon

So, I may totally be nuts but I ran a half marathon the weekend I "officially" moved in AND the day before I started my new job. Needless to say - I'll be tired and sore tomorrow lol.

Since I had all of this going on this weekend, I wanted to run it with a friend who was doing her first half marathon. She had signed up a while ago and thought she couldn't do it because she didn't train as much as she wanted to. Well- SHE DID IT! She's a pretty athletic person in general, and I honestly knew she could do it. We talked about how to handle the race and decided that we would use the run/walk approach (I think it's the Jeff Galloway method). We started this method from the beginning because time and time again I have seen runners run as much as they can before they start walking, and by then it's too late. See once your body hits a certain point, it's hard to start back up again and run.

So we started from the beginning, and after each mile we would walk for one minute. We started off slow because it's always better to underestimate your run rather than overestimate the run. And so we were off.... and at mile 7 we started experiencing the wall..... See, in my opinion when you're running a half marathon you hit a wall between mile 7-9/10. No matter how much you train, and how many times you've done it, pain starts to creep up in your body. The best thing to when hitting a wall is honestly to just run through it. Let your mind tell your body to shove it and run (or jog whatever it may be). Okay, now if your body is SCREAMING and I mean SCREAMING to stop out of physical pain then by all means please stop.

So after hitting the wall, we kept chugging along and slowly but surely we defeated the race. Overall, the race was beautiful! We passed by the water a lot and got to see the beautiful and artistic Miami Beach. The only thing that made me nervous was the weather. It looked like it was going to rain most of time, but it held up and was perfect running weather (cool and overcast).

So what was our time... I'm pretty sure we hit 2:30 but am awaiting actual results! Until next time :)

PS Wish me luck at my new job tomorrow!!

Lazy Day.. kind of...

So this weekend is slowly coming to a wrap.... I definitely haven't packed as much as I should have AND I kind of don't care.. is that bad? lol

So there were two main things I wanted to get done today (ok maybe 3): go to church and go see my friend S's baby (and possibly get a small workout in). Well I did the first two and then kinda skimped out in the third one.... lol I was originally going to ride my bike outside because it was beautiful outside... but then I thought.. it would be way easier to bike on my indoor trainer and watch TV LOL!!!! So I did!! In my defense I would like to say I spun for longer than I originally intended to. I ended up spinning for like 50ish minutes while watching the Bachelor.

I'm not going to lie it was my first time watching the Bachelor and I think I like it. I didn't spin very fast but kept my speed at a constant comfortable pace. It was pretty nice :) I'm in my taper week before my race so I want to kind of take it easy. The biggest problem I'm starting to face is eating out every day since we don't have food....Sigh...I'll let you know how my week is going..


Yup I'm moving.... Now, I have no excuses for not writing in my blog, so I want to say sorry again. However, now that I'm moving I figure this would be a perfect way to update people on my life.. well my journey.

Let me explain my situation a little. I'm a born and raised Miami-an. Yup I made up a word and I don't even care lol. Miami-ans love the sun, the beach, the people, the food... and much much more. I always knew I would move back down south (not necessarily Miami but somewhere more down south) and well I found my opportunity and I took it.

Now, I am officially moving down next week. It's weird to think I'm moving back. You mentally make up a plan and once you execute it.. you're not too sure you've made the right decision. You find yourself second-guessing yourself and trying to make up excuses to move. You become comfortable where you are. You become complacent with your life. So here I find myself confused, and well scared.

So I try not to think about it and just get through each day not thinking about the next. I try to live in denial, but I think life is slowly catching up to me. Now ready for the cray part of it all? :) If you know me, you have got to know that there's something crazy in all of this.

So here it is.... I'm running a half marathon the weekend I'm officially moving down...Yup.. absolutely insane and probably really stupid. Do I care? Nope. I think this will help me with the coping process. I actually signed up for this race about 6 months ago not knowing I would be moving down south and well now I'll actually be there lol. Now, I'm not "competitively running" the race. I'm going to take it easy (yes I really am people). I have a friend who is running her first half marathon and so I asked her if it was okay if I ran with her. She hasn't been training very hard, so it'll be nice to hang out with her and take it easy. Now, not being competitive will be hard for me but I think overall it's a really good thing for me. The sucky part is I ran today and felt good running 9 miles at 1:23:56. Not too shabby for eating out a lot and not training as hard as I should be. Oh well... maybe I'll be breaking two hours another time..

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