Florida Winters

I can't believe how incredibly hot it's been in Florida the last couple of weeks. This morning was the first time it's felt cold (by Floridian standards). I love running in the cool weather it makes me feel unstoppable. I'm hoping this wether stays for a couple of days..

Yesterday I did my Orange Theory class for an hour and a half and burned 710 calories. We ran for 45 minutes and it consisted of sprints with some rowing action and then sprints with kettle bell swings and squats. 

The first set of sprints had you row 100 meters and then run for the same amount of time you rowed. Then you would increment each rowing distance by 100 meters all the way to 500 meters on the rower. Once you finished that you ran .15 and did kettle bell swings for the same amount of time. The next time you did .18 and had to do medicine ball squat toss, next up .20 with kettle bell swings followed by .25 with squats. If you finished that you got to run a fast mile. That's where's madness stopped. I was impressed with my sprint times: 55 seconds, 59 seconds, 1:29 and 1:39. I said screw the fast mile and ran 5.5 speed until they called time. 

Next was the weight room. I'm not going to lie I was dead at that point. They had us do different exercises which consisted of pistols (sbt straps where you balance on one bent leg while supporting your body weight and then jumping to the other leg); thrusters; muscle ups with sbt straps; snatches; amongst other things. I'm not going to lie, I always lose track about the reps and exercises I do in the weight room. I honestly just try to make it through each exercise lol. Even though I was dead, I didn't feel as sore as last time. Lets hope this trend continues. 

Today I did some planks and then I did a light spin for 45 minutes. Nothing crazy but it got the blood flowing. I'm hoping to get a run in tomorrow morning before our holiday party.

Sore Knees

It's crazy how time flies during the holidays. I mean it's been two weeks since I've blogged! Nothing crazy has really happened. The biggest news during this time is my friend J and I tried the 1.5 hour Orange Theory workout class and got our butt kicked this past weekend. You know that your life is going to suck when you start the class by running a 5K and finish the workout with more than 1 hour left in the class. I did end up burning over 700 calories in the class which was a total bonus...

Last night I also did Orange Theory and got my butt kicked and burned almost 500 calories (not too shabby). The only thing that killed me was the lunges and deep squats we did. I think those moves totally killed my knees and even now I can feel them throbbing. I took today off in the hopes that they recover.

In between workouts I've been running around three miles. It's been hard running after work because of the daylight savings time. I've been trying really hard to beat the nightfall which has ended up helping me improve my 5K time. I've been consistently hitting the low 24 minute mark. One cool thing I've done is download the new Nike App which tracks your mileage a little more and also helps you challenge yourself. I haven't used it but look forward to trying it for the first time hopefully this weekend.

I'm hoping tomorrow I can do something low impact. Oh! I almost forgot - for Christmas I'm getting a punching bag set. I've talked about getting one for years and my awesome mom bought it for me for Christmas.... I can't freaking wait to kick that punching bag in the butt. My home gym is almost complete.
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