Now needless to say I burned myself out lol. I started off too fast... I'm not used to pacing myself in a shorter run. I ran my first mile in just under 7 minutes lol. At mile 2 I clocked in at 15:22. I ended at 24:10. Do the math... I did not so well on my last mile lol.. Regardless, I was super stoked about my time! I wasn't expecting to come near breaking 24 minutes. I mean I just broke 25 not too long!!! What???? Insane lol... Now I want to break 24 bad.. I'll start by sprinting :)..
Did I mention I won third in my age group?? Not bad lol!! Actually, what am I saying YESSSSSSSS lol.. I can't believe it lol :) Here's a picture of the medal
Sunday I was going to go run with my friend G but she wasn't feeling well so I decided to find a new path :) I ended up just taking whatever path my little feet led me to lol. I found a 2.8 mile loop (park) and it was beautiful!! I think I did a little over 5 but I can't be sure... It didn't matter. It felt great. I'm pretty sure I was going faster than I should have but it just felt nice ... I could always stop and walk... but I didn't.
I think I should find new paths more often...
Congrats on medaling!