So let's start with my Saturday. I woke up early to go to the race and pick up one of my friends to take to the race. As I was getting ready for the race, my friend texted me that she wasn't going to be able to make it. All I could think of was, "Crap. I always get lost, I better leave now." So I took my time getting to the race, and I did end up getting lost twice. Yup, twice. Once I parked, I headed over the the start line to check out any cool memorial stuff they might have and wait for my other friend to get there. Here are my pictures :)
My time was 24:51. Nothing too crazy, but it's okay! I died in the heat with a heavy t-shirt and hat. I've got another race next weekend which I'm hoping to do better in. Later on in the day I ended up going to church where I ran into one of the older members of my women's club. Since I ended up going to church on my own since my husband had to study for his next final, we got to keep each other company. It was pretty fun :)
Today I was scheduled for an hour and a half Orange Theory class. I woke up dreading the class. I was pretty tired, but I ended up going anyways. I'm glad I did. Class was brutal and this is what our trainer had in store for us:
Partner workout - 12 rounds total (One person started on the treadmill, the other on the rower)
If you were on the treadmill first, you had to complete
- .125 miles at an 11% incline
- After the treadmill, you had to do 6 Kettle Bell squat presses/each side
- Next, you had 12 Goblet Squats
Once you finished that workout, you switched with your partner. You had no set goal for the rower, you just had to switch once your partner was finished with their workout.We ended up repeatedly doing this block for a little over 30 minutes.
After this workout was over you had your choice of starting on the rower or doing jump rope. I chose jump rope. For this block, this is what you had to complete:
- 300 jump ropes
- 1 mile run (I got it done in 7:27 - it sucked after doing that whole workout)
- 50 Kettle bell swings
- .375 miles at 3% incline
- 20 pushups
- .15 miles at 6% incline
Once I get this workout complete I had to move on to the next workout:
- Burning 60 calories on the rower - we got new rowers which are amazing!!
- 50 V-ups (it was ridiculously brutal)
- 40 Wall Balls
- 30 Clean squat presses
- 20 bench jumps with a burpee
There was more but I couldn't finish it. I burned over 600 calories in class. I never really burn that many calories because my cardio level is more efficient that most making calorie burning more difficult. However burning that many calories meant that I got to enjoy my deliciously amazing breakfast which was my meal shake (Phood powder (google it because it's amazing) + banana + almond milk), eggs with spinach, and turkey bacon.
My workout sounds crazy, huh? That's why I'm lying in bed right now doing nothing lol.... Tomorrow I have another Orange Theory class, i just hope I can feel my body...
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