She's Almost Here!!!

For as good intentions as I wanted to have, I just can't seem to keep up with blogging. Instead I have to catch all of you up with what's been going on. So here we go:

  • I'm still on watch for preclampsia but after my last appointment they're not as concerned as they originally were.
  • I have major ridiculous heartburn all of the time and it completely sucks. 
  • I entered a pregnant lady dance contest and lost.
  • Her room is almost done and I can't wait until absolutely everything is done.
  • We have our last "baby class" tomorrow and even though I find it annoying, I'm excited and relieved to go. 
  • I'm technically on bedrest but can't seem to bring myself to actually rest in a bed; I actually think I'm more active around the house. 
  • I have serious carpel tunnel and my hands are numb 90% of the time. 
  • I took maternity pictures and LOVED them. I'll post some below. 
As much as I'm looking forward to her arrival. I'm so scared. Scared that I won't be a good parent, scared about how much labor is going to suck, and just scared about taking care of a tiny little human being that can't fend for herself.

I've got 33 days until my due date but I feel like this time is going to fly. For Christmas, my husband and I decided to buy joint practical gifts for each other instead of going our own separate ways for gift buying. Together we bought a professional camera to take pictures of our precious littler girl, a rower to get our butts back into shape, and a Roomba to clean our house so we don't have to!!! Overall, it was a win in our household. I hope that I can learn how to take great pictures so I can post them and show off my mad skills. Hahaha. I'll try to post again before she's born... if not... happy trails until the next post!!!


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