Saturday: I ran 12 miles with one of my friends. She hasn't done more than 10 miles, so I was prepared for a She was a good sport and actually didn't stop that much. The biggest thing that people have trouble with is timing walks in their long run if they need to walk. What I mean is.. if you plan on walking some of the half-marathon, then start walking from the beginning and get used to that.. because if you run about 7-8 miles and then decide to take a walk- you'll be miserable trying to get yourself to run again.
Sunday: I slacked and instead of doing an outside biking excursion, I spun for about an hour and a half on my trainer at home... The reason why I justified being on the trainer... brace yourselves.... I GOT A NEW BIKE... thats frickin right... a new bike. IT's a Motobecane Immortal Pro... check it out..

I should get it by this week or next week so I am like on Cloud 9. Hopefully now I will stop my whining and be faster..
Monday: Since my husband and I had the day off he came with me to the gym :) Before the gym I did P90X Ab Ripper. I went to the gym and spent about 30 minutes on biceps and triceps. Then at home I spun on my trainer for about 30 minutes. It was nice to time everything out and do more than my usual monday morning workouts.
Tuesday: I thought my dog's agility classes were Tuesday night but I was mistaken.. therefore I made plans to switch my sprints to Tuesdays. One of my friends wanted to workout with me so we went to the gym to do treadmill work. For speed work, I did 5 minute warm up... then I did 400M sprints uphill on a 5.0 incline (with a 400M recovery). My pace was about 7.0 (8:30ish mile).. After doing two, I figured it was going to rip my calf apart so I took the incline down to 4.0 and increased my speed to about 7.5. My last one I wanted to flat out fly.. so I did :) I took the incline down to 0 and my speed to 8.5 (under a 7 minute mile). I cooled down and then did abs afterwards and inner/outer thigh weights...
Wednesday: I did my 3 mile run... sigh... I got about "2.5 miles" done.. This is wrong seeing that my treadmill isn't calibrated...
So now I'm all caught up... tomorrow.. spinning at the gym....
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