I conquered Wildman :)

Well folks this was my second Olympic distance triathlon and as we all know (or maybe don't know) I sucked wind the last one that I did in August. So it was super important for me to do well in this tri and assess my progress....I didn't do as well as I wanted to BUT I felt great crossing that finish line- opposed to feeling like death and laying on the ground for a couple of minutes refusing to move. Overall I came in a minute slower - 2hrs and 59 minutes (still under my 3 hour mark woohooo lol). 

So lets start off with an analysis of my tri times (bwahahaha I sound so smart here)

Swim- 13 minutes SLOWER than the last one... that is a HUGEEEE disappointment. However, I need to man up and say that I have to go to the pool and practice more - not wait 8 months and wing it in an Olympic triathlon. The wetsuit also threw me off, the water temp threw me off and also being inefficient  swimming from buoy to buoy (next time I need to NOT swim outside of everyone).. but excuses are excuses and I need to really improve on this.

Bike 1 minute faster than last tri :) Woot... Progress is progress nonetheless and I'm happy considering all factors. My hands and feet were definitely frozen from riding bike in the cold temperature and I can't believe how miserable it was the whole time I rode. I just need to keep practicing and practicing (and also up my distance).

Run- 15 minutes FASTER people :) Heck yeah... am I proud- I'm not going to lie if I got slower on my run I'd go crazy. Last tri I had to walk some of it because I was at the point of exhaustion. I came through the finish line fatigued and overheated and started hyperventilating when my friend E tried to pour water on my head to cool me off- I've never in my life felt so horrible after a race. So I was super happy with this time. Not only was I happy about my run, but I felt like I could longer and farther.  

Transitions- slower overall than last time. This is probably attributed to spending a good amount of time taking off my wetsuit and also dealing with being frozen. Need to work on these a little bit too. 

Overall, I'm pleased with today. I froze my hiney off which was miserable and not my way of spending a Sunday- but I'm happy I did it. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to find an excuse not to go... seriously I was thinking of all sorts of ways to get out of this race lol- but I didn't. Right now I'm sore and I am slow moving which is pretty funny coming out of a 25 year olds mouth but its true lol. I get to go into work late tomorrow so hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow :)

Oh side note: I'm 25 and my race number was 25.. How cool is that lol


  1. Great job beautiful! It takes guts to do what you did. Seems like all you really need to do is practice the swimming more, but for the mist part you've figured out the how of doing one if these races and now just need to work on the speed of the different parts. Again congrats on the race!


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