Super Sore...

I decided to do another OTF night today and I literally feel like as though every muscle in my body is burning. Today's workout wasn't as brutal as yesterday, but it still made my fat cry.

Todays workout was broken down into 3 stations: treadmill, rower, and weight room. You would end up doing two workouts at each station. I obviously started at the treadmill station. I was a little disappointed in the first workout. I like when we do distance workouts because I have a set goal that I need to attain. For the first workout we had to maintain base and then change the incline every couple of minutes. So we did base pace for a minute (7.2), base pace at 4% for a minute (7.2), base pace for a minute (7.2), base pace at 6% for a minute (7.2), base pace for a minute (7.2), base pace at 8% for a minute (7.2), and then base pace for 30 seconds (7.2) followed by 30 seconds of hill sprints (8.0).

My next workout was in the weight room where I had to do continuous reps for 7 minutes of: 12 SBT Pullups, 12 SBT single leg presses, and 12 SBT chest presses. I ended up getting about 3 rounds in.

After my 7 minute block I moved to the rowers. Our 7 minute block consisted of the following continuous reps: Squat Presses (30 pound weight), 30 total running man, 8 walkout planks, 30 total running man.

I was finally back on my treadmill for my second workout, and I was hoping it would be better than the first one. Ugh, it wasn't. We pretty much played with the speed of our treadmills for 7 minutes: 2 minutes at base 1 minute at push, 1 minute at base, 1 minute of push, followed by 1 minute at an all out, and resting with a 1 minute base pace.

For our next 7 minute block in the weight room we had two exercise we had to continuously work on: 15 DB deadlifts (25 pounds) and DB bicep curl presses (12.5 pounds).

Finally for our last rower workout we "mimicked" what the treadmill did but on the rower:2 minutes at base 1 minute at push, 1 minute at base, 1 minute of push, followed by 1 minute at an all out, and resting with a 1 minute base pace. My rower was broken so that sucked lol.

Once the workout was over the instructor had us do core workouts (which is good because my core has been sucking lately): 30 seconds of crunches, 30 seconds of regular situps, 30 seconds of leg raises, 30 seconds of scissor kicks, 30 seconds of planking, 30 seconds of squats, 30 seconds of jump squats, 30 seconds of planking, and finally 30 running man.

So there you have it - the reason for my soreness. On the bright side I bought new running shoes (zoot Ultra Kincaid 3.0) and a running skirt!!! I am so excited about these purchases. I'll let you know how they fit!


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