
After taking a break from "training" for a specific race or event (even from blogging), I was re-energized. Mentally, I felt happier. Physically, my body was free from pain. I was at one with the universe (ok - not really but running-wise I was).

 Since I've been MIA from the blogging world, I'll highlight some of the events that have happened this past month:

  • I raced in the Mini Motivation Man triathlon - this race was one of my scariest. I still wasn't feeling well but decided to do this race anyways. I ended up swallowing a bunch of water and started choking. As I was choking, I started to full fledge panic for about 30 seconds. My chest got tights and I thought I was going to have to be pulled out by the kayaks. After I stopped choking, I calmed myself down and took some deep breaths. I started swimming again, but very slowly. After the swim I was fine, and I ended up finishing the race under 1:30.
  • I added on to my Orange Theory membership. Instead of only going once a week, I'm going twice a week. I still love it even after going for a month. The workouts are hard and are not part of my typical routine. My weakest area is in TRX training. My upper body is not very strong so I usually get burned in the weight room. I'm trying to get better, and hoping I can get stronger after my 7 months are over.
  • I tried out a new church today. It's really close and I was hoping that I would like it, but I definitely didn't. The church was crowded, people didn't participate during worship, and the priest was monotonous. Oh well at least I tried it.
  • I put together my treadmill!! It's been in pieces in the garage and this past week I finally put it together. I haven't run on it yet, but I'm sure I'll get the chance to in the next couple of weeks. You can count on the summer rains to try to ruin my running plan.
  • I'm probably signing up for 2 more triathlons. I haven't registered yet, but plan to in the next week. You know the rules, it's not 100% truth until you're registered.
That about wraps it up! We're still getting settled into the new house. It's a slow process and we still have a lot to do, but it's ours! We absolutely love the house and can't be any happier. I can't believe we've already been here over a month and have accomplished so much. Our next project is the kitchen - say goodbye to the chili pepper cabinet handles and hello to Ikea cabinets!


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