Post Father's Day Thoughts

I know I mentioned this in a previous post, but I figured I should restate this: I hate Father's Day. I've only formally met my Father when I was younger, and haven't spoken to him on the phone since I was 15/16. It's been over 10 years and I still can't get over it. Every year I dread this holiday. I stay away from Facebook or any other social media that can make me cry at the drop of a hat. Yesterday I figured I would cope the only way I knew how: by running.

So I ran. I ran 6 miles. I ran without my Garmin because I just wanted to let my mind drift. I felt great as I took in the scenery around me. I lost myself in my music and focused on my breath. This feeling of just "being" is absolutely incredible. I was drenched by the time I got home and it felt absolutely wonderful. My dogs loved it too :)

I don't know why I felt better after this run. It's not as if I thought this whole not having a dad thing  through or came to the realization that everything was going to be ok. I think what made me feel better was the fact that something like running can overtake your mind after preoccupying it with the same thoughts day in and day out. It's almost like having a mental "spa day." Now, don't get me wrong, the run was Garmin-free but it was still tough. I think you need a little toughness during these workouts to really get the sweat going lol. Even though I got this run in the morning, it definitely carried me through the day, which is just what I needed.



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