Another Doctor Visit

Even though I'm tired, I figured I would blog since I promised I would (ugh, I hate that I usually stick to my words lol). So here it goes...

I was referred to another heart rhythm specialist (aka electrophysiologists) by someone I worked with who is also a doctor. Because of the personal connection, I got in an appointment within 24 hours and was treated like VIP. I'm not going to lie - it was an awesome experience.

So, I go to my appointment, and immediately love the cozy atmosphere of the office. The hospital I go to is always busy and since it's so big, you're always waiting with like 20-30 other people. As I sit waiting for the doctor, it takes me less than 15 minutes to get called in, and once I get into the room, the nurse begins asking me a series of questions about my history. As she tries to get my hospital records over the phone, I get an EKG by a technician (this is like my 4th EKG in a month). Once the technician is finished with my EKG, the doctor comes in to talk to me.

He asks me to tell him about my history starting from the beginning. I run through the past year, and even discuss with him what my last electrophysiologist told me: to cut out triathlons and scale back on running. After I told him that explanation from the other electrophysiologist, he was surprised. He explained to me that he doesn't understand why someone would tell me to scale back on working out. Unless the event monitor was showing some crazy data, nothing in my explanation of heart palpitations would cause a doctor to tell you to scale back. The only way he would tell me to scale back is if I felt dizzy and out of it while I had heart palpitations. Since he still needed all of the data from my event monitor, he scheduled another appointment with me in a couple of weeks. However, he left me with this: I CAN KEEP WORKING OUT!!!! Best news ever :) Now, they still don't know what's wrong with me, but at least they're not trying to change my whole life at this moment which is good because I need all of the mental clarity I can get during my runs.

Tomorrow I'm heading back to my third Orange Theory class in a week. I can't wait! This time I'll call my heart monitor people before the workout so I don't freak them out like I did on Thursday lol.    


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