Good Morning World :)

So I woke up this morning early for my early morning run. However, early did not mean 4:40 a.m.....but that was the time my body decided to wake up at and become restless. Since its still dark in the morning I had another treadmill workout.

I decided that Wednesdays will always be a standard 3 mile run. So thats what I did. Since my body was tired, I did a slower pace, but longer time... Now I would love to tell you my pace, but since my treadmill sucks and the pacing is off, I will never know my pace "exactly". After all my years of running, I can guestimate the pace and would say I was doing about a 10:30 pace. I still ran for 33 minutes.

The one thing that really sucks about Wednesday morning workout is that my hair is up for the rest of the day... Booo

****Random Treadmill Info: If you've been doing a treadmill workout for some time, don't increase the speed but the incline.


  1. Waking up early SUCKS! I can't fathom waking up early to workout though. I've done it on weekends where I'm up at 8:30 b/c of Bella and just work out b/c there's nothing else to do. But to wake up early ON PURPOSE to workout? ew. I prefer to workout at night.

    I'll have to try the increasing the incline thing. I have no idea what incline my treadmill is on right now, but I'm sure it could be higher.


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